Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Terlalu Sombong

Jadi ceritanya saya sedang diklat selama dua bulan di suatu kota di bilangan Jawa Barat *ceritanya nama dan tempat dirahasiakan. Berhubung lama diklat yang tidak bisa dibilang pendek, otomatis kami akan saling mengenal cukup dalam antara satu teman dengan yang lainnya. Termasuk salah satu temanku ini...

Dia seringkali menjadi penyelamat kami dengan bertanya kepada dosen di saat kami sekelas benar-benar tidak tau apa yang harus ditanyakan, entah karena sudah pernah mempelajari materi yang disampaikan, atau juga karena mengantuk dan tidak nyimak hehe. Tapi intinya, di saat kelas sedang sunyi senyap, dan dosen meminta kami untuk bertanya, hanya temanku itulah yang akhirnya mengacungkan jari dan bertanya.

Saat itulah kesombonganku mulai muncul, dengan memandang bahwa pertanyaan temanku itu "gitu doang", "nggak mutu" dan seringnya "nggak nyambung". Dan nggak cukup sampai di situ, setiap pendapat yang keluar dari temanku itu juga seringnya malah mengulang apa yang sudah disampaikan dosen, atau kalau enggak justru memberi pendapat dengan menanyakan apa yang baru saja disampaikan dosen, atau dihubung-hubungkan dengan hal-hal yang dia tau saja padahal sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya. Ok, sampai titik ini, aku udah cukup emosi, tapi yah sudah sebagai orang jawa yang baik (dan juga buruk), saya hanya memendam emosi itu tanpa berusaha meredamnya.

Sampai suatu ketika,ada kejadian yang mengakhiri zaman jahiliyah ku...

Di suatu sesi kelas, temanku itu (lagi-lagi) memberikan pertanyaan (atau entah komentar) kepada dosen dengan panjang lebar yang aku juga malas menyimak. Namun ketika dia nggak selesai-slesai bicara dan suaranya mulai terbata-bata, akhirnya aku tertarik mendengarkan apa yang dia sampaikan, sampai aku seperti mendengar petir geledek ketika dia bilang: "Oh, ini..maaf ya Pak karena sebatas ini saja yang saya tahu, yang lain itu di luar yang saya bisa".

Aku seperti digurui bahwa selama ini aku nggak pernah mencoba mengerti keadaan bahwa bisa jadi kemampuan temanku itu sebatas itu, bahwa kemampuannya untuk menangkap dan memahami ceramah dosen selama ini mungkin tidak semudah proses pembelajaranku dan teman-teman yang lain. Aku nggak pernah berusaha mengerti bahwa bisa jadi temenku perlu bantuan, atau kasarnya: temenku itu nggak sepintar kami! Tapi ternyata apa yang kulakukan selama ini? Menganggapnya aneh, dan aku justru nggak kepikiran untuk "memakai sepatu nya".

Dan sejak saat itu, aku jadi lebih berempati pada temanku itu. Dan ternyata banyak dari sikap-sikapnya yang ternyata telah hilang dari diriku.

Diantaranya, ketika kami ada tugas kelompok, dia menanyakan berulang-ulang kepada kami (aku dan teman2 di kelompok), tentang detail apa yang seharusnya dia lakukan,mengulang apa yang dia pahami untuk memastikan pemahamannya benar, dan meminta copy tentang apa yang sudah kami kerjakan sebagai contoh untuk pekerjaan dia. Dia seolah-olah takut melakukan kesalahan karena ini merupakan tugas kelompok. Dan ketika suatu ketika aku menjelaskan sesuatu padanya dengan kecepatan yang tidak kusadari (terlalu cepat), dia mengatakan "jangan cepat-cepat, saya mah masih pentium dua", di depan teman-temanku yang lain. Aku sungguh tertegun. Karena menyadari dengan sepenuh hati, betapa susahnya mengakui kelemahan diri di depan umum, yang sepertinya tak mampu kulakukan dengan mudah. Mendadak aku gelisah karena menyadari entah telah berapa lama dan seberapa dalam kesombongan menguasai diriku. Astaghfirullahal'adzim.

Dan,hari ini, ada yang membuatku kalah telak lagi. Dalam kerja kelompok penelitian, kami kesulitan untuk mengakomodasi masukan dari salah seorang dosen pembimbing, karena memang masukan itu berbeda dengan rumusan yang sudah kami putuskan. Sebenarnya masukan nya tidak signifikan, jadi akhirnya kami sekelompok memutuskan untuk tetap jalan dengan keputusan kami, dan mengabaikan masukan dosen tersebut. Dan di luar dugaan, temanku itu memberi ide untuk memasukkan usulan dosen itu di bagian kueosioner, dengan mengatakan: "masukin aja kali ya di kuesioner, efeknya ga begitu besar tapi biar masukan pak dosen didengarkan". Astaga, aku nggak menyangka temanku itu masih saja memikirkan bagaimana kami bisa mengabaikan masukan dosen dengan mudahnya. Ah, kemana saja telingaku selama ini??

Tuhan, hambamu ini telah berlaku sangat jahat pada makhluk-Mu yang tulus dan rendah hati.

*gambar diambil random dari google picture

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How I Met Your Father

So kid,this is a story about how I met your father..

But don't worry,it's not like the original movie (How I met your mother) which contains looong session and episodes, mine will be short,,,yet,so sweet that I would be so glad to share this story to everybody who asked me,until now.

Listen carefully Miss/Mr Widiaribowo-Junior, coz this story is specially dedicated for you.. And,this is also a time to thanks to everybody who coincidentally help us to make our love story as in the dreamland *yaelah

So,it was around June 2010 when I commented in the status/posting of my facebook friend,aunt Noni. The status is about how abundant is the Angkot in Bogor!(She might be in Bogor at that time). I forgot what I said in that comment,but then here it is your father commented on my comment, and we continue to exhcange comments on your anut Noni posting in facebook, until soo long only the two of us :p Yes, finally we ended that conversation in that comments.

But,your father, is kind of niat that he sent me direct message through facebook that night,asking me whether I'm doing good and whether I'm staying in jakarta.and that conversation continue long long again until the day after,when finally he asked my number and asked whether we can meet that weekend,but I said I only can meet on the next 2 weekend.

So on the first meeting we went to the mall which has the most convenient mushollas in Jakarta: Pondok Indah Mall,where I have never been there. Since I don't know the way at all,I depend on his navigation skill in jakarta road which I have to admit not bad at all :p We first have an appointment in Halte busway Dukuh Atas (ah ya I came like 15 minutes late :p),and directly headed to PIM which takes us around 30 minutes by bus and continue by taxi. Here we ended our first meeting by having lunch (forget the place,rice bowl?), and watch movie (right?),haha how on earth I forget what I did in the first date. And he accompany me until I am home and lended me 3 books of Pidi Baiq, which I do sooo much like Pidi Baiq since then.

And the second meeting is the next weekend,we have appointment in Taman Suropati on sunday morning, after I finished jogging and he finished playing tennis in GOR sumantri Kuningan. But those was not kind of real date since he brought his tennis friend,Uncle Abol/Gian, and I was with a friend too for jogging, Aunt Ai. So,there were four of us in our second date, eating breakfast ( I guess it was gudeg), near Taman Suropati. It was a fruitful chit chat since I got the first good impression of your father when he is with his friend and with my friend. After the meeting, aunt Aik said that your father might really fall in love with me, haha. (And later I found out that uncle Abol said I'm so similar with your father in term of the-so-javanese-thing in us :p). We went home by our own after having breakfast,and that's we ended our second date.

Before we met for the third date, there was a yellow package reached my room in kos-kosan. It was a CDMA handphone, with an A4 paper size full of hand writing and pictures of smiling faces (picture is written by hand!!). Who else? It's your father sending me a CDMA phone,telling me that it is cheaper for him to call me through this phone than to my existing number in my phone (different provider), he bought the same CDMA phone too. It was surprising me, yet making me realize that he might be real serious with me, until what I found out on our third meeting the next following weekend.

It was on july 2010,around three weeks after the first time we met.
We met on sunday,after I finished jogging and he finished playing tennis with his friends again. But I took my time to take a bath,which he directly had breakfast with his friends after tennis,and later he told me that he hadn't taken a bath :p.
We met in Plaza Indonesia to watch Shrek movie, and continue our walks to Thamrin City to get some batik for him attending wedding, and stop by in Grand Indonesia,eating Burger King.

And here we go,in the convenient (fast food) restaurant, he said, "would you be my wife?"

I really stop breathing for few seconds, choosing the best words to answers, thinking what expression should I show,but my mouth kind of not able too cooperate with me as what came out as my answer was only a word:


And he answered my answer with a (long) presentation: on why it needed one year to marry me, on how he plan for one year to make savings for wedding preparation and life after wedding,he also told me exactly how much he earn for a month, and his vision and mission on a marriage. Me? Only paying attention to him very carefully since I didn't prepare any presentation at all. But while listening to him talking that time, I realize that this is the man who will make collaboration with the rest of my life...

So kid, I was about to end the story, that is how I met your father. But we didn't married one year after that, as finally we decided to make it faster :D We married around six month after that,on Februari 2011. Our family meet each other twice before the wedding. And during the first family meeting, your grandpa (father of your father), said this when his family come to my family to propose me (well,many people considered this as an engagement): "our family would like to propose your daughter, please let us know which one is called Wiwien". Hahaha,yes, his family never met me before,only by photos and by your father's story about me.

At last but the most important part, I didn't chose your father randomly by my facebook friends list in Jakarta or so (don't worry! Haha), me and your father have ever met before, 8 years ago. In fact, we attended the same high school in Jogja and he is my senior,one of the heads of student body.So,I knew him by his popularity (well yeah :p), but we never managed to chat personally at all. I also still surprise that we still remember each other when we met in Facebook last year.

So kid, while you're there so close to God,thanks Him for the director of this story to know,that's amazing of God through Mark Zuckerberg! Lol.

And, anyway, your father's name is Anas Yusuf Widiaribowo, that's why I called you widiaribowo-junior earlier in this writing :D

Okay Kid, don't you feel so excited to meet your father?

PS:if you noticed the different in the font/writings in this post, that's because I wrote it first in Ms Word when I'm out of the internet connection. Promise will never do it again! :p

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